Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

5.2 Observation on the Measurement of Deformation of the Wide Flange 
(1) If the patterns of deformation of compressive plates are established by 
buckling tests, the theoretical investigations of plastic buckling of plates will 
be developed more and more. However, some improvements and devices 
must be required for increasing the preciseness of measurements. 
(2) Stereo-photogrammetry is a very useful method for the measurement of 
deformations in more complex structures, especially for the measurement 
of deformations which change three-dimensionally. 
(3) The method is also useful for the measurement of total deformations of 
some areas, especially in the plate buckling problems because it is difficult 
to know beforehand where buckling will take place. 
(4) The method is considered to be useful for the measurement of deformations 
of thin-walled structures after elastic buckling, and for the measurement of 
the mode of vibrating structures. 
The authors are very much indebted to professor Dr. -Eng. Osamu Hirao, The 
University of Tokyo, for his continuous support, for enlighting discussions and for 
his interest in the elaboration of his automobile enginee ring. 
The authors acknowledge the co-operation of Mr. Ichimura and his collegues 
of the Design Research Section, Bridgestone Co. Ltd, who rendered valuable support 
for the experiments and analysis of the measurement of tire deformation in motion. 
The authors also wish to thank Dr. Takanashi, lecturer of Tokyo University and 
his colleagues of the Steel Construction Labortory for their co-operation in the 
Wide Flange experiments. 
The authors are also very much obliged to the members of Japan Camera 
Inspection Institute for the photographic examination works of the I. I. S. New 
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