Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Literatures in reference 
1) T. Maruyasu and T.Oshima : Stereo-Camera designed for measurement 
of object in motion, paper presented at the Comm. V, symposium of the 
International Society of Photogrammetry, Tokyo, Japan, 1966 
Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry, Special Volume No.2 
2) H. G. Lauterbach and W.F. Ames: Stresses in deflected tires, 
paper presented at International Rubber Conference, held in Washington, 
U.5, A. 1959. 
3) E. Fiala : Seiten Krafte am rollenden Luftreifen, V.D.1. Zeitschrift, 
96(1954), Nr. 29, S 973-979. 05 
4) G. Freudenstein : Luftreifen bei schrag-und Kurvenlauf, Deutsche 
Kraftfahrtforschund und Strassenverkehrstechnik, Nr. 152 (1962), 56 Seiten. 
5) Aisc Specification for The Design, Fabrication and Erection of structural steel 
for buildings Part II 
6) Commentary on plastic design in steel: ASCE, Manuals of Engineering 
Practice No. 41, 1961 
7) T. Maruyasu and T. Oshima : Studies on photogrammetric Techniques for 
Precise Measurement and Their Application to the Industrial Field, paper 
presented at the Tenth International Congress of Photogrammetry, Lisboa, 
Portugal, 1964. 
8) T. Maruyasu and T. Oshima : Photogrammetry in the Precision Measurement 
of the Great Buddha at Kamakura, paper from Studies in Conservation 
Vol.10, No.2, May 1965 published in England. 
9) T. Maruyasu and T. Oshima : 
Quelques Applications de la Photogrammetrie av releve precis des monoments 
et des tresors de la sculpture av Japon, 
Bulletin N° 19, JUILLET 1965. 
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