Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

measurements and aware of his responsibility for the 
results which cannot be re-checked before their storage 
into the computer and the following processing. 
Many other problems, not yet tested in practice, as for 
instance accuracy of interpretation, will have to be 
examined in the near future, Is, for the comprehension 
of a strip of terrain where automatic alignment takes 
place a conventional map necessary, is an orthophoto 
sufficient, will a mosaic do or even the contact copy 
of the aerial photograph? 
The point is not the question of measuring accuracy and 
photo scale, It is the various problems of photogrammetric 
practice, new impulses for the instrument manufacturer 
and proper functionning of the system. It is the integration 
of the applied representation of the terrain - or in 
other words - the photogrammetric problems in the 
application of digital terrain models to road design and 
other civil engineering tasks. 
The Working Group "Civil Engineering" will have to 
discuss these problems during the coming congress period; 
most of these problems arising in connection with the 
practical application of the new procedure systems. 

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