Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Figure 7.13 Standard deviation and correlation coefficient 
of distance calculated from photogrammetric 
coordinates as a function of length of the 
International Photogrammetric Experiment 
Pecny 1966-1968 
Scale 1:12000 
Range of the correlation coefficient 
Standard _ Correlation 
deviation ] Range of the standard deviation of distance between the 
5, | coordinates of 
em the end points 
40 + of a distance 
— 0.75 
304 m A 
P 7 
i Wk 7 L-0.50 
a 7 T0 
A 7 27 
1416 1 
#1 [AN 
[0.25 y Li 
10 4 
coefficient >0.50 F-0.10 
+++ mI Tc T T T T 1 Ter T T T T T 
500 1000 C] 1500 2000 | t metet 
Maximum length ; r 
for the correlation 
Figure 74 
Normalized standard deviations of distance 
Stand. dev in classes of the base lengths of models. 
of length Neg. scale 1:3500 —— à A 
in units of "ue m — $5000--—---— e 0 
mean Sq.dev. -— — - — 1:12000 —-—-- 
15^ mean 
| = ou 
B 4 d 
] 5 1.0 1.5 20 2.5 3 
LL bel a LLL ELLE LLL V LV il Ll | L1 41 4 d 4 4 4 À 
Distance in unit of base length

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