Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

that the present work of Commission VI be continued in order to collect and present up-to-date 
At the Lisbon Congress one of the resolutions of Commission VI was: "It is strongly recommended 
information on the development of photogrammetric education in various countries." At the request 
of Prof. W.Sztompke, President of Commission VI of the I. S. P. the undersigned was appointed 
as the reporter for the subject of Education of the Commission. 
In 1964 Prof, R. S. Halonen presented his General Report 1960-1964 on Education, Terminology 
and Bibliography. It seemed obvious to base the present survey on Education and Training in 
Photogrammetry on the work of Prof. Halonen in order to get, as far as possible, comparable 
data. Therefore the questionnaires prepared were based on the questionnaires of Prof. 
Halonen, however with some minor modifications. 
Furthermore the survey of Prof. Halonen was restricted to the photogrammetric education 
at the highest level. In the present survey however, informations were asked also with regard 
to photogrammetric education of lower standards, e.g. technicians, operators. 
In order to avoid superfluous informations about very short courses in elementary photo- 
grammetry or short series of lectures organised by schools, associations or others, it 
was proposed to use the following directives: 
a. Schools, universities, Teaching of photogrammetry in the regular courses. The number 
of lecture hours has to be at least 30. 
b. Separate courses or series of lectures, organized by schools, universities, institutes 
factories, etc. To be mentioned only if the duration of the course is at least 4 weeks. 
c. Courses for training employees in organizations or services. To be mentioned only if 
their duration in total is at least 8 weeks (lecture hours and practical studies together 
some 300 hours). 
The questionnaires were sent to the Members of the I. S. P. to the National Reporters of 
Commission VI. Filled in questionnaires were received from: Australia, Austria, Canada, 
Finland, Germany Federal Republic, India, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and 
United States of America, Tunisia reported that no teaching and training in photogrammetry 
exists in the country. 
The following 3 questionnaires A, B and C were despatched: 
Questionnaire A, dealing with lectures,was split up in parts: part I: Basic subjects 
and Part II: Photogrammetry. 
For this part the following division of subject matter was proposed: 
1. The basic principles of photogrammetry: 
mathematical, optical, photographical. Binocular vision etc. 
2. Aerial photography/navigation: 
airplanes, navigation instruments, cameras, auxiliary aids for aerial photography. 

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