Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

It is obvious that the result of this survey on photogrammetric education shows only part 
of the situation in this field, Also, some of the National Reporters noticed that not all 
educational institutions returned the questionnaires, therefore, for some countries, the 
number of institutions listed in the tables, is not complete, 
Moreover, the answers to the questionnaires showed that it is not easy to catch the photo- 
grammetric instruction in the different countries with their different systems of education 
in a rather small number of questions. Therefore it is difficult to draw conclusions from 
the data in the tables. 
Only a few remarks on the tables can be made: 
In this table some universities are listed with a graduate course in photogrammetry. © 9 
Perhaps also some courses listed in Table II could have been placed in Table I, 
The largest part of photogrammetric education is found in the schools for surveying. Here 
we find also an important number of schools teaching photogrammetry on non-university 
In this table it is remarkable that there is only one institution offering a course of lower 
standard All other institutions are of university level. 
Most organizations listed in this table are military organizations giving their employees 
a photogrammetric training, A smaller number of civil organizations is mentioned. It 
was expected to find more civil services and aerial survey agencies here and a more clear © 9 
indication in a wider field about the proportion of the photogrammetric education of lower 
standard between schools and organizations. 
Comparing the results for some of the countries with the data already mentioned in the table 
of the General Report 1960-1964 (only possible for the photogrammetric education on 
university level) one sees only small changes in the situation within these 4 years, It looks 
as if the situation has stabilized in some countries, in any case the necessity for continuation 
of such an investigation in rather short periods of 4 years seems to be doubtfull. Perhaps 
there is a slight indication that the number of students in graduate courses with majoring 
in photogrammetry is increasing just like the number of doctorates. This might point to an 
increasing specialization in the field of photogrammetry, however more reliable conclusions 
ask investigations on longer terms, Probably the most important value of the present survey, 
together with the data published in the General Report 1960-1964, is that it gives an outline 
of the present state of affairs in photogrammetric education in a number of countries, which will 
make it possible to draw.a parallel with the situation in the future. 
I would like to thank the national reporters and those others who filled up the questionnaires, 
for their kind co-operation.

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