In this paper the cultural and economical significances
of photogremmotry and thoir impact on the education of photosran-
motry in first analysed. It 4s found that the present progress in
acquiring photogrammetric surveying data end in compiling photo.
grammotric maps is not sufficient to cope with somes of the world's
najor problems, namely the Undornouräshencht of largo portions of
the world's population ani population explosion. Furthormore, the
economical significance of topographical photogramnotry is
emphasized perticurlarly with regard to the oxploration and
exploitation of natural seston and the improvement of egricul-
ture to achieve a higher food production. In connection with
those endeavours also the problen of econonmical and technical
&ssistance for doveloping countries is taken into considotatien.
= With regard to a modern education in photogrammetry the intordis-
ciplinary character particularly of -non-topozraphical photograme
metry is stressed.
The paper then deals with the present educational status
of photogrammetry on a world-wide level. It is recommended that
an inventory of available photogrammetric personnel be made on a
national as well as on a world-uide level, Such inventories
should bo establighed by cortographie committees which are
rosponsible for future planning and which should make projections
for the future need of photograrmotric porsonnel. Thero projections
should take into consideration that in many countries there are
not enough educational facilities. in photogranmetry, and this on