Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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research has to be done here on a national as vell as, eventually, 
on an international level to find a good approximation for this 
ratio. On the basis of this ratio, it would then be possible to 
determine how many photogrammetrists with a university degree, 
“how many photogrammetry technicians and how many plotter opera- 
tors should be educated or trained per year in a specific country. 
This in turn would allow to determine at how many universities 
or institutes of technology, technicians schools and trade schools 
special photogrammetry programs should be offered. 
There follows the important question as to whether the 
system of education in photogrammetry as presently existing in 
educational institutions which offer such a program is qualitati- 
vely adequate or not? This question is correlated with another 
one, namely whether photogrammetry ought to be considered on all 
levels as an independent discipline with departmental or even 
Faculty status such as civil engineering, geology, geography, 
etc. The answer to these questions might be different from 
country to country; it can be recommended however that in a 
certain number of large countries, it is not too early to esta- 
blish independent photogrammetry departments on all three levels: 
universities, technician schools and trade schools (departments 
for plotter operators). The selection of the educational ins- 
titutions in question must be done carefully and according to 
such items as local needs, geographical location, available 
funds, etc. Due to the economical significance of topographical

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