Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

particularly photogrammetrists, involved in these operations, It 
would be useful that these data be published in form of national 
reports for comparison purposes and for planning, particularly 
in view of possible economical and technical assistance. It 
will be equally necessary to create in each country cartographic 
coordination committees which should be in charge of assessing 
future photogrammetric ürveying data and mening requirements. 
Such committees should be furthermore in charge of assessing 
how many photogrammetrists on the academic level, the technieien 
level and the auxiliary level must be available in the future. 
In other words, the committees must be concerned with projections 
for the future needs of photogrammetric personnel and the respec- 
tive future annual intake. When these data are determined, it 
will then be possible to decide and to plan in which countries 
photogrammetric educational institutions must be extended or 
newly created and to what extent. This must be done for all 
three educational levels, At the same time, it will be necessary 
to justify increased spending of funds for these purposes by 
elaborating on the significance of topographic pho togranme try 
and photogrammetry in general in the framework of the national 
Considering the urgency of these matters with regard to 
some of the world's most crucial problems such as under-nourish= 
ment of a large portion of the world's population and population 

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