Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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A study the deformations of polyester base 
film used in the international controlled photo- 
grammetric experiment PECNY 1966 - 1968 
Prof. Dr. R.S. Halonen Dipl.Eng. Aino Savolainen 
Technical University of Helsinki 
Institute of Photogrammetry 
Aims and subject of the study 
The following report will be of interest only to those taking part in the in- 
ternational testing work mentioned in the heading. For this reason I will omit 
expounding of the details as they will be familiar to the reader. 
This report concerns the tests that were carried out to determine the defor- 
mations of the film diapositives that were sent to the participants from 
Czechoslovakia. The studies were undertaken on the request of Civ.Eng. S.G. 
Móller, Sweden. This request was due to the fact that participant of the ICF 
Experiment mentioned in the heading had brought forth the opinion that the dia- 
positive material that was to be used was unsuitable for thd purposes of the 
experiment due to irregular shrinkage of the material. 
Tested material 
The maerial given in the table below has been available for the tests: 
Type of material Date of preparing Date of measuremet Symbol of measu- 
rements in re- 
in Finland 
Original film 
negatives 1966 June 1967 N, 
-"- Decenber 1967 N, 
Film diapositives " June 1967 Di 
= " December 1967 D, 
Contact negative in Czechoslovakia 
prints of camera November 1967 13th and 23rd K 
fiducial marks November 1967 

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