Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Indeed, the overall impression of perception is the absolute 
necessity io reduce at any stage the input to the next stage. 
It starts already with the anatomy of the eye, which performs best on 
a very small area around the optical axis, and is further supported by 
directional scanning and other visual activities. 
These are on their turn depending on the very economical thinking and 
expectational properties, and so the loop is closed. 
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Due to this selective input, the human memory is big enough to store 
all events. This would not be possible if the eye would function as 
stupidly as a film camera - recording passively all signals and thus 
producing such a lot of pictures (ani red tape) that one would become 
completely mad. This indeed occurs with persons who lost vision at a 
grown-up age and were operated upon many years later. The first weeks or 
months they are completely confused by the flood of impressions which 
cannot be classified and seen. They often wish they would be blind for ever. 

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