Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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Interest, attention, encouragement, emotion, and similar moods and 
outside influences can strongly improve adaptation, unless the 
emotion is too strong. Remembering, thinking and pure muscular control 
can be made more efficient, as happens during an examination. 
Emotion can even be judged by recording the pupil size of the 
observer. This unconscious adaptation gives a more reliable measure 
of the degree of pleasure (pupil large) or fear (pupil small) than 
the oral response does, It is à practical method to evaluate the 
response of modern art gallery visitors. (Hess, 1965), 
This example has no direct relevance to photo-interpretation, or is 
it one of the reasons for the over-sized exit pupils of the ST-4 
stereoscope — as the observers are so pleased with the excellent 
quality of the aerial photographs? 
photographs reguire some days to be appreciated as being reasonable - 
[1+ was related before that new type imagery or very poor quality 
probably most photo-interpretors can give striking examples of 
similar nature. 
Recently, a photogrammetrist, when working on almost feature-less 
pictures at ITC (Nour, private comme 1968), experienced the diffe- 
rence between fusion and depth perception. Carrying out point 
transfer from a paperprint to the diapositive of the same negative, 
fusion was relatively easy, as there were no parallaxes, After 
handling a dozen prints in a test he turned again to normal stereos- 
copic pairs, and found depth perception difficult and tiresome, 
although fusion was easily obtained, This could be due to the adap- 
tation of the neural circuitry and the data-processing for fusion, 
by ignoring accidental parallaxes, whereas later the small parallaxes 
were essential to see depth, and should not be ignored.) UN 9 
| EDUCATION asks more self-cooperation of the person. It is not feasible 
to educate by applying pressure and by suppressing the pupil's mental 
activity. Motivation is a better stimulus to educate up to a higher 
level of thinking, to see relations, logical connections, to discover 
rules, etc. Still, education is not basically different from training 
and learning; there are gradual transitions from one into the other, 
and all three in general cooperate to reach the goal of optimum adap- 
tation to face a taske In this connection, the oral communication 
between pupil and staffmember strengthens the visual impression, as 
does drawing on the prints. The more pathways used to bring the message 
to the brain, the better the subject is remembered. Hand and mouth 
assist the eye in almost any learning, so surely in the training and 
education of photo-interpretorse

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