Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

The lines 1 and 2 of the left half of table 3 show, that of the negatives and 
diapositives that were made in Czechoslovakia the latter are the less suscep- 
tible to deformations. The accuracy factor of the latter, +11 microns, and the 
maximum value of 28 microns are in practice common values and thus judging by 
the diapositives that were obtained from Czechoslovakia in Finland the perfor- 
mance of the testing with an analogy instrument should have been possible. It 
should however be noted that the material is not quite the best possible con- 
sidering the international nature of the testing and it's significance. 
As was mentioned above considerably larger deformations had taken place in the 
original negatives than in the diapositives prepared of it. Many explanations 
for this could be given but the most likely seems to be that the film was ori- 
ginally developed whole and later cut into individual photographs causing 
changes of tress in the film base. 
Evidence of this fact can be gained from the figures of the third and fourth 
rows. During the time the diapositives have been in Finland only small defor- 
mations have taken place in them, with the results that the factor of accuracy 
has increased from +11 to +14 microns and the corresponding maximum error from 
28 to 35. In the negatives, however, during the same period of time deformations 
have continued to take place with the results that the factor of accuracy is 
+38 and the maximum value 62 microns. 
The significance of this to the international testing is that as deformation 
of the original negative appears to be taking place continuously, the condition 
of the diapositives that have been distributed to the participants is dependent 
on the point of time at which they have been copied from the original negatives. 
From the following columns 5 and 6, in which the diapositives measured at one 
half year intervals is compared with the original negatives, the above mention- 
ed fact can be verified, i.e. substantial deformations of the diapositives have 
not taken place and thus the accuracy factors are equal. 
The best conception of the size of the deformation that has taken place in the 
original negative can be gained from the seventh row in which it's form, as 
established from measurements taken at an interval of one half year, are com- 
pared, with the result that the deformation that has taken place within this 
time corresponds to an accuracy factor of +16 microns. This also matches with 
the results of the comparison - given in the eighth or last row - in which the 

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