Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

form of the original negative and the diapositive were compared approximately 
half a year after the corresponding comparison of line 5 was performed. The | | 
deformation of the negative is clearly indicated by the increase of the accu- | 
racy factor which is now +41 microns and with maximum value of 70. This value 
also matches with the results of the comparison that is given on row 4 in which 
the same negative is compared to the camera fiducial marks. The small differ- 
ence is due to the deformation that has taken place in the diapositive, which 
established further proof of the fact that large deformations have not taken 
place in the diapositive. 
The conclusion can be presented that if the participant of the experiment has 
received diapositives that were copied from the original negative directly C SS 
after preparation, the results should be more or less normal. However, if the 
diapositives have been prepared later the continuous affine deformation taking 
place in the negative must be taken into account. It can be generally said of 
the deformations that no large deformations have taken place in the diapositi- 
ves but that continuous affine deformation has taken and is taking place in 
the original negative. It is unnecessary to further analyse the reasons for 
this without better knowledge of the circumstances.

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