produced would be processed and manipulated for image enhancement or target
recognition purposes. Finally, an output signal, representing the enhanced
image or indicating the spatial position of a detected target was generated
and displayed on a CRT monitor or recorded on film by a CRT. Experience has
shown that the relatively low resolution of the CRT, its low dynamic range,
its distortions, and its non-linearities often combine to negate the value
of the system because of the poor quality of the imagery that it produced.
Recognizing the limitations of CRT technology as a basic impediment to the
whole area of reconnaissance image scanning and recording, regardless of
the application, CBS Laboratories undertook about four years ago an extensive
in-house program to explore alternative approaches. This program carefully
weighed the advantages and disadvantages of all potential approaches, including
specialized sophisticated CRT technology, electron beam technology, and laser
beam technology, and selected laser beam technology because of its high power
and low noise figure. This was only the beginning, however, for a signi-
ficant gap then existed between the selection of the technique and its
practical implementation. This gap was bridged by a concerted efforc UO
over the last four years, sponsored both by the company and the U. S. Government,
which has demonstrated effective techniques for precision image scanning
and recording and has established procedures for rapidly converging upon
the requirements of a specific application including:
(16) "High Quality Image Scanning and Recording Techniques", J. Lemoine,
J. Montuori & R. Denny, CBS Laboratories, Stamford, Connecticut.
(Paper to be distributed at the Eleventh International Congress for