Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

tage of radiation is, furthermore, branched off via semi-transparent mirrors onto additional photo- 
multiplier systems which, by feed-back, control the brightness of the cathode-ray tubes. In Fig. 1 
the Correlator cabinet is shown left of the PLANIMAT. From there the model is scanned in relation to 
z and y in a stripwise pattern. The corresponding motors are arranged underneath the internal 
tracing table of the PLANIMAT and in the base carriage. The extremely smooth motion of the 
roller nuts on the wire-type spindles of the PLANIMAT are most favorable for the motor drive. 
Strip widths (x) and range limits of the model to be scanned are controlled by the Orthoprojector 
or profile-storage unit (S). Correlator and profile-storage unit or Orthoprojector are actuated with 
the aid of a control box — next to the left handwheel of the PLANIMAT - by appropriate switches 
whereby the function is indicated by signal lamps. During the automatic process the scanning 
procedure can, in addition, be checked and controlled by the observer through the stereo-eyepiece 
of the Planimat. 
[1] Aurenn, M.: The PLANIMAT a new second-order photogrammetric plotter, Bildmessung und Luftbild- 
wesen 35, 1967. 
[2] HoBrouGH, C. L.: Automatic Stereo Plotting, Phot. Eng. XXV, 1959. 
[3] Harpy, J. W., Jounston, H. R., GoprnEv, J. M.: An Electronic Image Correlator for the PLANIMAT. 
Presented at the ISP Congress, Lausanne, 1968. 
[4] Meier, H. K.: Theory and practice of the Gigas-Zeiss Orthoprojector, Zeiss Mitteilungen, Vol. 4, 1966. 

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