Thus, improving the automatic stereoperception pro-
cess, either by increasing its sensitivity or by increas-
ing the amount of information sensed, is one poten-
tial area for further improvement.
A second approach for system improvement is
expansion of the functions performed by the com-
puter and its programs. With additional data process-
ing, the computer can potentially make better use of
the correlator outputs, provide additional smoothing
and editing for the plotted manuscript, and make
additional contributions to the overall control of the
plotting process.
The following paragraphs describe several of the
more promising hardware and software approaches
for compilation system improvement.
Improving the Correlation Process
Recalling the previous description of the automatic
stereoperception system, the scan pattern is shaped to
provide a plane-surface approximation to the terrain
at the point of interest, and the size of the pattern is
adjusted by the computer to the smallest value con-
sistent with the available image detail. Considering
only the static aspect of the stereoperception prob-
lem, that of placing the floating mark on the terrain
surface with greatest possible accuracy, this is clearly
a logical approach: it duplicates the operator’s func-
tion in point measurement by concentrating on the
image detail immediately adjacent to the optical axis.
During compilation, however, when the point of
interest is continuously changing, the approach of
concentrating on the smallest possible area has serious
deficiencies. The terrain-slope and parallax informa-
tion, from which the computer derives the steering
commands, will tend to be noisy due to microrelief
and, more seriously, it will contain no information
about major terrain features until they are very close
to the reference mark. It is necessary, of course, to
retain the capability to measure elevation accurately
at the optical axis during compilation. However, it
would be highly desirable to expand the area scanned
to derive better steering information.
The center-gating technique for the elevation error
signal discussed earlier represents a first step at allow-
ing scan size to be increased. However, in the problem
areas of rough terrain, it is clear that the basic limita-
tion to using a larger scan size is the plane surface
approximation to the terrain, which is implicit in the
first-order scan pattern shaping.
The above discussion leads to the conclusion that
larger scan areas would be possible and better steering
information could be developed, if the scanning pro-
cess were made adaptive to the terrain curvature and
roughness by the use of second-order or higher scan-
shaping corrections. This approach also improves the
image registration and reduces the individual point
parallaxes within the scanning pattern, and it tends,
therefore, to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of
the scanning and correlation process in addition to
developing better steering information.
The use of higher-than-first-order scan shaping is
clearly consistent with the capabilities of the flying-
spot scanners. However, it does imply substantial
expansion (1) of the video correlator to sense addi-
tional parameters related to terrain curvature and
roughness, (2) of the computational load on the
computer to compute additional scan-shaping control
information, and (3) of the scan generátors to gen-
erate more complex scan patterns. For example, as
each order of scan shaping is added, the x-parallax-
related outputs of the correlator must be expanded
according to the following table: |
Relation to Number of Number
Correction Terrain Within Correlator of
Scan Pattern Outputs Correlator
Added Outputs
Zeroth Average elevation 1 1
First Average slope 2 3
Second Average curvature 3 6
Third Average rate-of-change 4 10
of curvature
Fortunately, because of recent advances in com-
puter and electronic circuit technology, the required
expansion is highly practical. As described in an
accompanying paper,* the real-time computational
capabilities are greatly increased in the new inte-
grated-circuit, core-memory computers. Similarly, the
application of linear integrated-circuit techniques to
the analog signal generation and processing circuits in
the scan generator and video correlator has resulted in
a substantial simplification of this equipment and will
make feasible the implementation of much more
complex functions.
One limitation of the present correlation tech-
niques which cannot be solved by the above tech-
niques is the limited sensitivity of the flying-spot
scanners in the presence of high-density or low-
contrast image detail. Thus, no discussion of this area
would be complete without a comment on the alter-
natives to the flying-spot scanner. One that is cur-
rently the subject of substantial research is the appli-
cation of coherent optical correlation techniques to
*V. C. Kamm et al, "Design of the Bx-272 Integrated-Circuit Con-
trol Computer."
Output Signal- To- Noise Ratio (S/N)
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