Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

Walter E. Chapelle 
Bendix Research Laboratories 
Southfield, Michigan 
Manager, Image Data Systems 
Department. B.S.E.E., 1951, 
University of Detroit. Directs 
the research and development of 
electronic and optical techniques 
and systems for photogrammet- 
ric applications. Currently di- 
recting programs that include 
development of an automatic 
three-stage comparator for processing pass-point coordi- 
nates and ground control points; an automated analyti- 
cal chart analysis device; automation modules for con- 
verting manually operated stereoplotters to automated 
systems; equipment for automatic selection of photo- 
graphic pass-points; equipment for improving the capa- 
bilities of projection-type plotters, mathematical model- 
ing and special programming of analytical stereoplotters. 
Others include investigation of techniques for automatic 
planimetry extraction and studies of advanced image 
data processing techniques and photogrammetric instru- 
ments, including coherent optical systems. Earlier, di- 
rected development of the AS-11B automated analytical 
Arliss E. Whiteside 
Bendix Research Laboratories 
Southfield, Michigan 
Assistant Manager, Image Data 
Systems Department. B.S.E.E., 
1955. Purdue University: 
M.S.E.E. and E.E., 1965, Massa- 
chusetts Institute of Technolo- 
gy. Contributed to design and 
development of digital control 
computers for various analytical 
stereoplotters. Responsibilities 
included detailed system analyses and designs, program- 
ming for both frame and panoramic photography, assist- 
ance in system integration and checkout, and instruction 
of user personnel. Has served as Project Supervisor in an 
investigation of automatic planimetry extraction tech- 
niques and in the development of experimental com- 
puter programs and studies relating to the AS-11B auto- 
mated analytical stereoplotter. Other contributions to 
photogrammetric research and development include 
participation in the development of techniques for auto- 
matic selection of pass-points on aerial photographs. 
Earlier assignments include participation in programming 
digital simulation studies of advanced numerical 
machine-tool control systems, system design of a very 
fast, advanced-type, random-access memory unit for 
digital computers. 
Jesse E. Bybee 
Bendix Research Laboratories 
Southfield, Michigan 
Project Engineer, Image Data 
Systems Department. B.S.E.E., 
1960, University of Cincinnati; 
M.S.E.E., 1963, University of 
Cincinnati. Currently supervises 
development of automation 
modules for converting manually 
operated analytical stereoplot- 
ters to automated systems cap- 
able of automatic contouring and profiling. Previously, 
worked on logic and video amplifier designs for ortho- 
photoscope equipment for an automated analytical 
stereoplotter. Earlier, at Bendix Cincinnati Division, was 
responsible for the design of pulse counting circuits, log 
current amplifiers, and logic circuits for nuclear reactor 
control system and design of sweep amplifiers for oscil- 
loscopes, logic for missile checkout equipment, and a 
timing system for Project Mercury. 
Printed in U.S.A. 

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