Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

of rotation G, the guide 
rods rest on a ball, while 
they are guided by double- 
axis Cardan joints in the 
upper centers of rotation. 
A particularly interest- 
ing design has been em- 
ployed for the spindle nuts. 
Here roller nuts [1] serve 
as take-off elements. Fig. 6 
shows the single roller 
nut on the x-y-carriage. 
Double roller nuts are 
employed on the z-spindle 
system. The spindles them- 3 
selves are of the wire type, 
i. e. steel wire has been 
inserted into the V-grooves a | 
so that the nuts run on 
"hard" and "smooth" a3 NO, 
spindle elements. 
When a limit position 
is reached, the x, y and 
z-drive elements are elec- 
trically locked. The instru- 
ment can be moved out of 
the limit position only 
after the button LT has Z 
been pressed. 
—— Ji 
Plotting is, in principle, Fig. 4 Principal controls of Planimat; image rotation x4, x»; longitudinal tilt 
distortion-free. Aspheric Pa, Pr; lateral tilt wa, ws; base components bx, by, bz; x, y, z-drive 
correction plates can be elements; image brightness control Hp; for furiher details, see text. 
inserted for plotting photo- 
graphy taken with any existing camera with other distortion characteristics. 
The instrument may be used in a normally lit room. Full-size original negatives or diapositives are 
employed for plotting. If diapositive plates are inserted with their emulsion side down, the plot will 
be laterally reversed. Diapositives inserted with their emulsion facing up will result in unreversed 
manuscripts. For further details, see the caption. 
With respect to working ranges, the following figures may be mentioned: 
x: z210 mm yi + 350 mm z: f + 40 to f + 310 mm 
x: —4A0 to 4- 115 mm y: + 115 mm f. 85 to 310 mm 
bx: 0to 340 mm by: + 15 mm bz: + 42 mm 
QA: +5 ma: + 5 
9n: 45? ep: d 5 
bxo — fixed distance between perspective centers — 630 mm. 

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