Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

5. Combinations and uses 
The most important uses of the Planimat are the following: 
A. Stereoplotting on integral tracing table (plotting range 40 x 70 cm) 
The plotting scales available result directly from the relationship f where f is the focal length. 
Making allowance for the effects of y, o, bz, by and bx, the following magnifications from photo to 
map may be expected: 
forf — 88 mm: 1.5 to 3x 
for 1 = 1535 mm: 1.3 10 2.0x 
for £ = 305 mm: 1.110 1.9%. 
For work on the integral tracing table, preference will probably be given to the ZZ-2 tracing 
attachment (Fig. 7). 
Fig. 7  ZZ—1 tracing device (right) and ZZ—2 tracing device (left) for the Planimat 
B. Stereoplotting on external tracing table (plotting surface 120 x 120 cm) 
The plotting scales available result from the relationship f and the change gear used on the tracing 
table. The EZ-2 tracing table, which is normally recommended as an optional accessory, is supplied 
with sets of gears covering the range from 1 : 0.66 to 1 : 6. It follows from this that the photo scale can 
be magnified more than ten times in the map. 
The external tracing table is either equipped with the ZZ-1 tracing device (with rotating pencil 
feature for scribing, Fig. 7) or with the ZZ-2 tracing device. The magnetic sheet on the table is a neat 
means of fixing the manuscript sheet. 
In cases A. and B. the HZ elevation counter is used for elevation readout. 
C. Precise coordinate measurement 
For this purpose, the HZ elevation counter is replaced either by the printing counter or the Ecomat 
recording unit. In both these units, the least unit printed out or punched in each of the three coordi- 
nates is !/199 mm. The usual combination with further auxiliary equipment such as the additional key- 
board or the setting mechanism (Fig. 8) is the same as in the C-8 Stereoplanigraph. In conjunction 
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