Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

With the prototype system, as many as 24 parallax 
points and 30 control points may be observed for the 
least-squares calculation of the coefficients for the 
error polynomial equations. The system is limited to 
ranges of 70 mm for X and Y corrections and 25 mm 
for B, adjustment; for the Z adjustment, it is limited 
to the 120-mm physical limits of the tracing table 
height screw. 
The hybrid stereoplotter concept is applicable to 
nearly all physical-analog stereoplotters, including the 
optical-train "universal" instruments. The basic con- 
cept model-coordinate adjustment for cumulative 
le error effects should prove to be of definite value for 
je many situations. Many of the known deficiencies of 
i- shown in Figure 3; this is an input device used to optical-mechanical analog instruments can be over- 
identify data to the computer and to initiate certain come by application of the hybrid stereoplotter 
le computer calculation routines. principle. 
1€ € 5 Figure 3 Radial Arm Assembly 
e Robert B. Forrest 
n Bendix Research Laboratories 
1- Southfield, Michigan 
Staff Photogrammetrist, Image 
Data Systems Department. B.A. 
(Chemistry), 1958, University of 
Minnesota; Ph.D. (Photogram- 
metry), 1964, Ohio State Uni- 
d : : 
versity. Currently engaged in re- 
nm search and development of ad- 
8 i vanced photogrammetric sys- 
3 “ tems; has been active in many 
18 areas of photogrammetry and geodesy over the past ten 
le years. Recently supervised modifications to a Kelsh-type 
T plotter to expand its capabilities by the application of 
s, digital computer control of model corrections. Other 
r- assignments have included work on system design and 
error analysis of the LR-1 portable line rectifier, formu- 
e lation of a mathematical model of the AS-11B auto- 
t- mated analytical stereoplotter, preparation of new orien- 
tation procedures for the AP-C analytical stereoplotter, 
and operational analysis of an automated three-stage 
1 102 FORREST 

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