Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

Method 3 
. Read x and y-coordinates at point A. 
. For point B proceed as under 1. Determine As 
and s numerically. 
. Compute Abx according to 
Abs = = (bxs + (56 + f) (pa—p5)) 
and set it on the instrument. 
. Calculate Aby and Abz according to 
Aby ==> + (bys + (56 + ) (00) 
Ahr = T {hs | 4085 (atop) 
and set it (the index s stands for the reading taken 
at the instrument dials). 
. Set vertical control point À and determine z- 
. Set vertical control points B and C. 
. Compute dE according to 
AÂzc—a (x8—x a) — Ann—A (xc—xa) 
(xc—x4) (yna—yA) — (xn—x4) (yc—y A) 
and introduce it on the individual w-controls of 
the instrument. 
. From the measurements at A, B and C compute 
An according to 
due Mech m y — dines ova) 
uà (xc—x4) (ya—y 4) — (xs—x4A) (yec—y 4) e 
and set it with identical amounts at 94 and gs. 
. Compute 4bz according to 
Abz = — (bxs + (56 + f) (pa—ps)) 
and set it on the instrument. 
Cardan point K as referred to the z-side image plane 
in the Planimat is defined by the values 
e — 402.5 mm 
a= 56.0 mm. 
For numerical relative orientation by the least 
squares method the following procedure is recom- 
a) After a first empirical orientation determine 
the residual parallax P, to Pg at the points 1 to 6 
with the aid of the by-screw. The corrections to be 
applied to the orientation elements may then be 
calculated from the following formulas, where b is 
the base line on the ground and at the same time 
the distance between the points 3, 4 or 5, 6 and 
the base line in the y-direction: 
2 (0, +P, +P, +P, 
dwa = d TUS —— —(P, - P9] e 
dpa = 2b? Pı— Br Pa Pa) Q 
dæa = 3b (D, —P. PP PS—Pjo 
dbz 7 D Pa + 1025 (1) 
2b 0 
P P,), (2h d 
dy e Git, (664-1 7^ 
3 3z 0 
The dby-value will, however, not generally be 
calculated, but only determined empirically. 
b) More practical and rapid is the following 
method in which vertical parallax at the points 1 to 
4 is carefully cleared with the elements indicated in 
Table 1, the residual parallax being measured in 

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