Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

Programming Computer-Controlled 
Photogrammetric Instruments 
This paper describes techniques used by the computer programmer and the photo- 
grammetrist in programming real-time computer-controlled photogrammetric instru- 
ments. Special techniques are used for both the real-time and service programs; an 
interesting example is the "parameter perturbation" method of relative orientation. 
The continuing development of more powerful and flexible computers offers many 
opportunities for more complete exploitation of photogrammetric instruments by 
both the computer programmer and the photogrammetrist. 
When electronic computers are applied to opera- 
tions in a particular field of activity, close communi- 
cation is necessary between the specialists in that 
field and the specialists in computers. This is espe- 
cially true in the use of computers to control photo- 
grammetric instruments: in few other computer ap- 
plications is there a closer relationship between man 
and machine. Such a close association requires the 
computer programmer and the photogrammetrist to 
be aware of each other’s problems and requirements. 
The photogrammetrist must describe the special 
needs and processes of his instruments to the com- 
puter specialists. Moreover, he must properly evaluate 
the potential for expansion of these needs. A basic 
knowledge of programming methods and computer 
limitations is very helpful for this problem definition. 
The computer programmer has his own problems in 
turning the stated needs of the user into operating 
programs for a control computer. Some photogram- 
metric needs require the development of special 
programming techniques. Restrictions in processing 
time and memory usage contribute to the program- 
mer's difficulties and increase the necessity for effi- 
cient programming. 
Unlike the techniques used for general automatic 
data processing, the problems and methods for con- 
trol-computer programming have not been widely 
described to photogrammetrists and others outside 
the area of computer technology. This paper de- 
scribes some of the methods used for control-com- 
puter programming, with emphasis on the special 
techniques developed for photogrammetric instru- 
ments. * 
*Many aspects of the computer programming discussed in this 
paper are associated with photogrammetric control systems developed 
by Bendix Research Laboratories under sponsorship of Rome Air 
Development Center, U. S. Air Force. 
Helava's invention of the analytical plotter 10 
years ago marked the beginning of the use of stored- 
program digital computers to control photogram- 
metric instruments. Today, computers and computer 
programs are integral and essential parts of the 
manual and automated analytical plotters, the auto- 
matic comparator, and the hybrid stereoplotter. The 
programs for these instruments must perform exten- 
sive computations of the kind familiar to photogram- 
metrists: | model-to-photo transformation, relative 
orientation, interpolation from computer-stored lens 
distortion tables. In addition, the programs must 
control equipment operations. Information must be 
processed and sent to and from instrument compo- 
nents: photo-viewing unit, coordinatograph, and 
possibly electronic scanning and correlation circuits. 
Moreover, the programs must provide for control- 
panel communication with the instrument operator. 
Several kinds of input-output data must be processed 
by the programs. A simple manual stereoplotter re- 
quires position inputs from two handwheels and a 
footwheel, and output positions for four photo-car- 
riage axes and two coordinatograph axes. In a more 
complex instrument, many more inputs and outputs 
must be processed: the AS-11B automated analytical 
plotter has 27 input-output positions and adjust- 
ments, and most of these quantities must be sampled 
or changed 25 to 100 times per second. 
All computer programs can be divided into two 
groups, real-time and service programs, based on their 
execution-time requirements. Real-time operations 
are greatly time-dependent and require either some 
maximum computation time or some fixed rate of 

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