Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

William H. Moore 
Bendix Research Laboratories 
Southfield, Michigan 
Project Engineer, Image Data 
Systems Department. B.S.E.E., 
1954, and M.S.E.E., 1955, Car- 
negie Institute of Technology. 
Currently supervising develop- 
ment of an automatic stereo- 
comparator for measuring and 
processing pass-point coordi- 
nates and ground-control points 
for aerial photography. Participated previously in devel- 
opment of orthophotoscope equipment for automated 
AS-11B analytical stereoplotter; also conducted experi- 
mental investigation of video scanning patterns for 
compatability with electronic image correlation and 
orthophoto printing. Earlier assignments include an in- 
vestigation of electro-optical techniques for advanced 
analysis, design, and development of various navigation 
and guidance systems. 
Robert B. Forrest 
Bendix Research Laboratories 
Southfield, Michigan 
Staff Photogrammetrist, Image 
Data Systems Department. B.A. 
(Chemistry), 1958, University of 
Minnesota; Ph.D. (Photogram- 
metry), 1964, Ohio State Uni- 
versity. Currently engaged in re- 
search and development of ad- 
a P vanced photogrammetric sys- 
tems; has been active in many 
areas of photogrammetry and geodesy over the past ten 
years. Recently supervised modifications to a Kelsh-type 
plotter to expand its capabilities by the application of 
digital computer control of model corrections. Other 
assignments have included work on system design and 
error analysis of the LR-1 portable line rectifier, formu- 
lation of a mathematical model of the AS-11B auto- 
mated analytical stereoplotter, preparation of new orien- 
tation procedures for the AP-C analytical stereoplotter, 
and operational analysis of an automated three-stage 
F. A. Scarano 
Rome Air Development Center 
Griffiss Air Force Base 
Rome, New York 
Project Engineer, Reconnaissance and Engineering Sup- 
port Section, Reconnaissance and Intelligence Data 
Handling Branch. B.S. (Physics), 1963, Syracuse Univer- 
sity. Major responsibilities during past four years have 
involved research and development of photogrammetric 
instruments and automation of many of these equip- 
ments, primarily in support of the mapping and charting 
activities of the Aeronautical Chart and Information 
Center, St. Louis, Missouri. Previously with General 
Electric Co., Utica, New York, as electrical engineer in 
Airborne Countermeasures Ground Support Equipment 
Printed in U.S.A. 

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