orientation of the image coordinate system, xyz, with respect to the object space coordinate
system, XYZ. The scalar, k,, relates the length of the vector between the camera station,
C, and the image point, i, to the length of the vector between C and the corresponding
object point, I.
The elements of [M] are the cosines of the nine space angles between the three
axes of the image coordinate system, xyz, and the three axes of the object space coordinate
system, XYZ; that is,
m1 p 744 cos Xx cos Yx cos Zx
[M] = mi m, m4 - cos Xy cos Yy cos Zy (2)
ma] May 043 cos Xz cos Yz cos Zz
By dividing each of the first and second projective equations by the third, and
multiplying through by -f, we obtain the well-known collinearity equations:
mj, Oq7XQ * mj (YO t my n-20
x,-x = -f = - = (3)
i ^o um (X, XQ) + may (X, Ye) + Mag (Z, zo)
m et oH GU tm) pO om IC (a)
à 9 ma] (X,-X9) + m, Ye) + Mag (2-20)
The subsequent photogrammetric analysis will make use of the projective equations
and of the collinearity equations derived from them. This analysis will first examine the
significance of vanishing points and show how they can be determined from the object geometry.
Then it will proceed into the determination of the interior orientation of the photograph,
followed by the determination of the exterior orientation matrix. Finally, it will develop
the relationships which can be used to extract dimensional data.
Vanishing Points
Since this analysis is addressed to problems which involve relative positions
and dimensions, rather than absolute positions, any convenient object space coordinate
systemgsuch as the one shown in Figure 2, can be chosen. This particular coordinate system
has the positive Z-axis directed vertically upward, the positive X-axis directed toward
the right and away from the camera station, and the positive Y-axis directed toward the
left and away from the camera station.
The origin, J, of the object space coordinate system is imaged at j in the photo-
graph, and points infinitely far along the X, Y and Z axes are imaged at By» Dy and nj»
respectively. Point nx is located by intersecting the photograph with a ray through the
camera station, C, directed parallel to the X-axis. Similarly, ny and n, are located by
intersecting the photograph with rays through C directed parallel to the Y-axis and Z-axis,