interior orientation (x Yo f) and orientation matrix [M], using equation (86).
A particularly useful special case arises when the object point, I, is placed at
the origin, J, of the object space coordinate system. In this case, X. - Yr = Zr -0,
and equations (88) and (89) become:
2 = 4% 7
Y Hn
g = 2 J
Obviously, equations (90) and (91) can be used for finding the two remaining camera station
coordinates if only one of the camera station coordinates is given.
Relationships Between Camera Station Coordinates and Dimensions in the Object Space
Useful expressions can be established relating the camera station coordinates to
dimensions in planes parallel to the object space coordinate planes. Although these
dimensions fall into a restricted class, they nevertheless include a great many of the
dimensions which are of interest in practice.
Designate the endpoints of the dimension as points 1 and 2. If the dimension
is in a plane parallel to the XY coordinate plane, it is designated De its components
are D, = (X, - Xj) and D. = (Y, - Y), and the Z coordinates of its endpoints are equal
(Z, = Z5). If the dimension is in a plane parallel to the YZ coordinate plane, it is
designated Dy,» its components are D, = (Y, - Y and D, = (Z, = D and the X coor-
dinates of its endpoints are equal (X, = Xj). If the dimension is in a plane parallel
to the XZ coordinate plane, it is designated Dez? its components are D, = (X, - Xi) and
D, = (Z, = 21), and the Y coordinates of its endpoints are equal (Y, = Y).
For convenience, the following auxiliary quantities are defined:
K 3m M
XZ G, Gy