Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

in which Ej Fi and Gy refer to endpoint 1, and are computed according to equation (86); 
and E», F, and G, refer to endpoint 2, and are similarly computed. 
Further define the following quantities: 
> 2 
Livy x & tg (98) 
= 2 2 
Lyz Vs" (99) 
= 2 2 
Lyz t \/Ky tT Koy (100) 
Consider a dimension Dyy in a plane parallel to the XY coordinate plane. Applying 
equations (88) and (89), we get: 
For endpoint 1: 
X = Xe = (Zi E Ze) e (101) 
Yi mo Ye = (Z, Ze) 9 (102) 
For endpoint 2: 
2" 2. = (Z5 - 5 (103) 
Ya 7 Ye - (Z, - Ze) AM (104) 
Subtracting equation (101) from (103) and equation (102) from (104), noting that 
Z, = Zo and using the relationships given by equations (92) and (93), we get the components 
D, = (Zi = Ze) Kyo (105) 
Dy = (Zi = Ze) Kv (106) 
from which we obtain: 
Py = VD? + D? = (2, -7) uw (107) 
The sign of Liv is chosen to make Dey positive. 
In a similar fashion, we obtain for dimensions Dy, and Den} 
Da © 7 A A (198) 
De > e - Ye Leg (109) 

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