Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

Manual Mode: 
In this mode the Z drive is controlled by the correlator for automatic removal of the X 
parallax. The x and y drives are still completely front panel controlled. Y parallax removal 
can be obtained manually by front panel selection of the orientation drive or semi auto- 
matically by front panel selection of the orientation drives and actuation of the automatic 
Y parallax removal loop. In the automatic mode the position of the stations can be adjusted 
with front panel controls and the Y parallax is removed automatically. 
X profiling: 
In the X profiling mode the X parallax is removed automatically and the X profiling speed 
is controlled by the correlation level through the drive velocity front panel control. The 
Y-carriage is stepped each time the X-carriage reaches a limit, which can be set with the 
Kappa X station select controls at the left front panel. The step increment and number can 
be operator selected. 
Y profiling: 
The Y profiling mode is similar to the X profiling mode with only the X and Y functions 
Ortho print mode: 
In the ortho print mode the Z drive is controlled by the correlator for automatic removal 
of the X parallax. X and Y drives are again controlled as in the X profiling mode. The 
ortho print CRT is actuated with a swath width of from one to four mm selected at the 
front panel. A contour segment plot can be exposed and a digital record made on magnetic 
tape simultaneously. If a colour negative is used the orthophoto and contour segment plot 
can be separated in the darkroom.

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