Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

3. The influence of errors in the inner orientation 
is found as the sum of a) the influence of the pseudo-values which 
are introduced on the elements of outer orientation and b) the 
direct influence of errors in the inner orientation. 
The y-parallax in the six orientation points is derived from 
(1) and (5): 
pi Se (dey — der) + (di —d'n)1; i=1,.. 6 (Ba) 
0: 2-19 
B == 1]; 2-34 (8b) 
„Al 150 
Introducing (8) into (4), the expressions of the pseudo-values 
are derived. The influence of the pseudo-values on the model 
coordinates is obtained by introducing these expressions into (7). 
The direct influence of errors in the inner orientation is found 
by introducing (1) into (6). The total effect is: 
dem. = (x —B) (der — der) + beg — 2(d' = dn) ] + 
+ dZ(7a)>(4)>(8) 
de. dd 7 dep da 
yu TE n Cr T Xr 
ede dn dy Sb, 
din. mt zd. "da d: D I SÖß in 
Zz , , 
Opin. = (de — dey) + (dr —dy'ıı) +P ays (ays) (9b) 
dz), (4), (8) ANd Pı7a), (4), (8) Are derived by introducing (8) into 
(4) and the result into (7a) and (7d) respectively. 
When dc—de;—de, dx'j—dx'j—dx' and dy',—dy'j-—dy, then 
dc, dx' and dy' influence z, x and y, respectively. 
In Case 1, doy, derived from (4), (8), and Fig. 3 is 
Az" pig 
me 1 -dy'y) 
k? ———) zc 

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