Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

| Case 
e | e Source of error Fl terr. 1 4 5 52 
m, is the standard error of a y-parallax observation, using 
Dove prism, (the use of which is difficult in accidented terrain). 
m,', my, , and m, are the standard errors of establishing the inner 
The assumed control points (signalized) are 3, 4, 5, and 6, 
(Fig. 3). 
Table 1. 
The mean standard height error m,, (in brackets the max. of möz;)*. In u. 
: 2.3 
i Or rb s 3,7 (4,9)| 4,8 (6, 
J3eDAaf. e ttp 39 (523/593 (74 
COOr S. ncrkesoo t. 6,7 (7,91 6,9 (8.3 
Total: sivas ennt 7,8 (8,5)| 9,5(10,0)| 9,0 ( 
) 23 (47 
) 49 (5,8 
)| 6,5 (7,9 
) nh 
Table 2. 
The mean standard point error mpi, (in brackets the max. of mpi). In p. 
Source of Case 
error Fl. terr. 1 2 3 4 5 52 
2 (6,0)| 2,9 (4,2)| 3,1 (5,6)! 3,1 (5,6) 
2 (6,4) i (5,4)| 4,3 (5,0)| 4,9 (5,6) 
9,3)| 8 
3 (9, 3 (9,8)| 7,9 (8,7)| 8,6 (9,9) 
10,7(12,3 mm 11,9)| 9,5(10,0)|10,4(12,6) 
> de 1 
f \ za 10 
3 The errors (10) occurring in observing of coordinates after the absolute orientation, 
\ ! are disregarded. 
The height accuracy in Cases 1, 4 and 5 and the planimetric 
accuracy in Cases 1 —5 are significant influenced by the height 

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