Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

6. The residual y-parallax 
due to the errors in the inner orientation, is given by (9b), and 
introducing (4) into (7d), óp due to observational errors in y- 
parallaxes is derived. We find that óp,, — 0 when dc 2 de and 
dy'; —-dy'y, and that errors in x’ have no influence. 
The law of propagation of errors can be applied. 
Table 3. 
The mean standard residual map, (in 
brackets the max. of map,). In y. 
Source of Fi 5 
error 1 Um 
1000 of os ii (02) | 1,8 (3,3) 
PAT .. s.s. 5,9: (6,7)] 6,2. (6,7) 
m 1 : 
: móp— g Utapr ]; i = 1,2,., 9. 
2 In Cases 1—4, less than 1w. 
Table 3, based on the assumptions of (11), shows that only in 
Case 5, do the height differences have a significant influence on 
the residual y-parallax. 
The derivation of the residual errors in the coordinates after the absolute 
A new coordinate system X, Y, AZ, referring to the centre of 
gravity of the » control points, is chosen; thus: 
Kan y- H1, AZzAc- [A 
n n n 
The residual errors are: 
ôz =dz +dz, — XdD + YdQ + AZdB 
ôx = dx + dx, + XdB — YdA + AZd® 
ôy =dy +dy, + XdA + Ydß — AZdQ 
dz, dx, dy, are the original errors. dz,, dx,, dy,, d®, dQ, dA 
and dp are three translations, three rotations and a scale change, 
respectively. For finding these 7 corrections the well-known 
method of least squares can be applied.

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