Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

An electronic correlator designed to automate the Zeiss 
Planimat stereo plotter is described. The equipment consists of 
two flying spot scanning units that are integrated with the Plani- 
mat optical system, together with a free-standing rack containing 
the electronics. The correlation system automatically clears x 
parallax in the profiling mode by means of a servomotor 
driving the z shaft of the Planimat. 
Reliability and accuracy of the equipment are maximized 
by the use of an adaptive control system that adjusts the correla- 
tion bandwidth, scanning. pattern size, and profiling velocity 
according to the quality of image correlation. 
The correlator reduces the time required to profile mapping 
photography without sacrificing the overall accuracy of the 

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