unreachable. Therefore we limit the definition of our population to:
All errors of measurement (not due to the operator and not due to
certain systematic parameters, which are based on the physical construc-
tion of *he instrument) that would be made if the instrument has the
physical status it has at the time of decision.
Today the buyers and users of measurement instruments may trust too
much in the manufacturers and accept instruments which could be in-
ferior, see [1]. This phenomenon could be explained by lack of respect
for the effects of bad instruments and lack of calibration and decision
Prerequisites for the case study
In order to make the theory more easily available, it will be applied to
the test of a (fictitious) first order photogrammetric double-projector in-
strument with mechanical projection. A privately owned map-making or-
ganisation (with some profit-making goal) has bought the instrument
from the producer. According to the buying contract the instrument
should have a standard error of maximum 5.0 yum, (o9), when a preci-
sion grid is measured in a certain way and six certain parameters are
used in the specified adjustment computation according to the method
of least squares. The problem is here limited to the following: When the
six systematic parameters are corrected for — is then the basic accuracy
of the instrument, o, to be regarded as sufficient or worse than the stand-
ard error of 5.0 um? If it is thought on good grounds that it is worse, the
instrument could be sent back to the factory and a better instrument
Simpel background of necessary classical statistics
We think we have an instrument according to the specifications. Thus our
statistical null hypothesis is Ho : 6 L 5.0 ym. We want to test this hypothesis.
If our sample of errors gives us an standard error, s, we ask: what is the probability
to get s out of a popolation with o £ 5.0 ym? If the probability is great we accept our
3) Please note three things: First: Of course the sizes of the six systematic errors
are of primary interest (except for the case of analytical photogrammetry). These
sizes are however — for simplicity — not at all considered in this paper. Second:
Of course the discussion about rejecting (the metric accuracy of) instruments is
theoretical. The reader may convert the decision problem to whether to adjust an
old instrument or not. Third: Of course metric accuracy is not at all the only im-
portant thing that concerns decision about instrument conditions.