these buffers and the first accumulator when the
particular interface indicates its “Ready” status by
means described below. The result of this is that, in
effect, simultaneous device operation becomes pos-
The configuration of an input-output instruction is
shown in Figure 3. Bits 4 through 15 define the de-
vice and type of function which is desired. Bits 1, 2,
and 3 are used to select three different timing pulses
which cause the desired action to occur. Nearly 2,000
meaningful I/O instructions can be constructed by
means of this design.
Several different actions can be effected by means
of one I/O instruction if desired. Furthermore, the
action caused by one timing pulse can be determined
by the result of a test which was made by an earlier
pulse in the same 0.875-microsecond cycle. An ex-
ample is the paper-tape reader instruction denoted by
the octal word 720133. This instruction gates on two
timing pulses. The first pulse tests whether the reader
has transferred a tape character into the reader buf-
fer. If so, the second pulse transfers the character into
the first accumulator, notifies the computer of the
parity of the character, and initiates tape motion to
acquire the next character.
All three of the timing pulses can be employed to
perform tests and transmit status information back to
the computer. A unique feature of the logic which
results from this capability is that these tests can
modify the memory location from which the next
program instruction is taken. Thus, up to eight dis-
tinct interface conditions can be determined in a
single I/O instruction cycle. This feature avoids the
need for time-consuming status-checking subroutines.
To minimize programmed monitoring and pri-
ority-checking for relatively slow external devices,
and to provide for rapid response to certain arith-
metic and external-condition signals, a multilevel,
priority interrupt system has been devised. Presently
implemented in three hardware-determined priority
levels, the interrupt system can begin to respond to
an interrupt request within a maximum of 5.5 micro-
seconds. The total latency period, or time required to
determine which device caused the interrupt and
prepare the computer to service it, is a function of
the number of devices associated with a given inter-
rupt level. For 17 devices on a level, the maximum
latency period is 13 microseconds, measured from the
start of the interrupt request to the start of servicing
of the lowest priority device.
Level three, the lowest hardware priority level, is
used by most peripheral equipment. Level two, which
can interrupt a level-three interrupt already in pro-
gress, is presently reserved for the real-time clock.
Level one, capable of interrupting either level two or
three, handles the power-down condition and the
divide-check and overflow signals from the arithmetic
unit. The assignment of devices to any particular
interrupt level is left to the discretion of the system
A crystal-controlled, real-time clock has been pro-
vided as a standard part of the system. The oscillator
frequency is 100 KHz and its output is counted down
to the desired interrupt rate. The oscillator may be
turned on or off by means of an I/O command; if left
on, its interrupt may also be inhibited as needed by
the systems program.
A single direct-memory-access channel capable of
accepting one device is provided with the computer.
This may be expanded to four channels, each capable
of accepting eight devices. A hardware priority is
established between channels and devices within a
given channel in this case. The expanded system
exhibits a maximum latency (time between DMA
request and start of service) of 0.625 microsecond
and a transfer rate of 1.6 MHz.
A wide range of peripheral equipment is available
for the Bx-272. Standard equipment consists of a
300-character-per-second, bidirectional, paper-tape
reader; a 50-character-per-second tape punch; and a
Model 33 Teletype unit. Options include a 40-char-
acter-per-second data printer, a variety of card readers
and punches, and multiplexed D/A and A/D con-
verters. The computer can also be readily interfaced
with magnetic-tape handlers, disc or drum memories,
cathode-ray displays, and other digital or analog
peripheral equipment.
The logic of the Bx-272 is designed so as to make
optimum use of core memories having cycle times as
low as 500 nanoseconds. This capability became eco-
nomically feasible with the introduction of modern
monolithic integrated circuits. Of the many inte-
grated circuit families capable of functioning at
the required speeds, transistor-transistor logic (TTL)
was chosen for several reasons. Paramount among
these are TTL's high noise immunity, its capability of
operation from a single power-supply voltage, and its
ability to re-establish logic levels at each level of
gating. The circuitry chosen exhibits typical propaga-
tion delays of 6 nanoseconds per gate.
The basic element of TTL circuitry is a positive
NAND gate. Its name, transistor-transistor logic, is
derived from the fact that a multiple-emitter transis-
tor is used in the input stage. The output stage con-
sists of two transistors connected in a totem-pole
configuration. This circuit arrangement provides a
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