Scan Generator
Transferred CRT Raster
and Spot
Distortion Error mplifier
Control Signals
X and Y Scan
Feedback Signals Image Error
Figure 9 Basic Electronic Correlation System
diapositive, the light it transmits is modulated by the
image in the diapositive. The phototube detects this
light and converts it to an electrical signal. The signal
is then amplified and filtered by the video amplifier
to conform with the dynamic range and bandpass of
the electronic video correlator.
In the correlator the two video signals are pro-
cessed together with the X and Y scan signals to
derive the alignment and distortion error signals. A
"block diagram of the video correlator is shown in
Figure 10. The basic elements in the correlator are
the multiplier, filter, and quadrature circuits. An elec-
tronic multiplier-filter combination is the instru-
mentation required for the implementation of a cor-
relation measurement. The first multiplier-filter mea-
sures the correlation quality of the stereo image pair.
This measurement, a gross indicator, indicates
whether two similar images are in the aperture of the
correlator. The quadrature circuits perform the
mathematical operation of differentiation on elec-
trical signals. In the correlator they are used in two
different ways. The first quadrature circuit works on
the two video signals and changes their relative form.
The changes in the signals are such that, when they
are correlated, the correlation function they produce
has the shape of the desired alignment error signal—
positive valued when one image is to the left of its
centered conjugate image, and negative valued for the
reversed condition. The remaining quadrature circuits
are used to produce two signals that indicate the x
and y direction of the scanning spots as they move
across the diapositives. The two scan direction signals
are obtained by differentiating the X and Y scan
signals from the flying-spot scanner. They are used to
resolve the alignment error signals from the previous
quadrature video signal correlation process. A discus-
sion of this problem was ignored previously so as not
to complicate the description of the basic system.
When the stereo images are slightly misaligned in
the aperture of the flying-spot scanner, the quadra-
ture correlator produces an oscillating misalignment
error signal instead of the desired constant value
signal. This is due to the back and forth motion of
the scanning spots as they follow the raster pattern.
To the correlation process, since it effectively sees
only the video time signals, one image appears to be
misaligned to the right of the other image when the
spots are moving in one direction and then to the left
when they are moving in the opposite direction. In
the correlator system this problem is rectified by
multiplying the quadrature correlator output by the x
and y scan direction signals derived from the quadra-
ture circuits. The filtered outputs of the multipliers
are corrected X and Y alignment error signals.
The X alignment error signal is processed one step
further to obtain the two image distortion error
signals. The processing is similar to the quadruplex
correlation scheme described earlier. Here the X and
Y scan signals are used to change the signs of the
error signal. Instead of summing fixed outputs as in
the optical correlator, the sign of the X alignment
error signal is changed when the scanning spots are in
the appropriate quadrant of the correlator aperture.
This is done by multiplying the X-error signal by the
sign of the scan signal. The scan signal multiplication
process provides the appropriate phase reversal of the
error signal such that the filtered multiplier outputs
provide a measure of the relative X scale difference
and skewing of the stereo images.
The ultimate comparative indicator is the signal-
to-noise ratio performance of both correlators. This
signal-to-noise performance of the correlators will be
V4 Circuits
Multipliers Filters
Dual Video
Flying Spot Output L
Scanner Signals r12 (Ax, Ay)
X; | Raster
Figure 10 Block Diagram of the Electronic
Correlator Circuits