discussed after the factors that contribute to the cor-
relator performance are described.
Table I lists the significant performance factors of
the two correlators. They include bandwidth, internal
and external noise-sources, input power, and dynamic
range. Here it should be mentioned briefly that the
performance of certain components of the electronic
flying-spot scanner system degrades with use; speci-
fically, the CRT loses brightness, and the phosphor
noise increases. These components must be replaced
periodically. Such degradation effects are not present
in the optical system.
The bandwidths of the optical and the electronic
correlators are defined in terms of the effective aper-
ture of the optics; in the case of the electronic corre-
lator, they are defined also in terms of size of the
scanner CRT spot. Here we will assume that the elec-
tronic circuits have sufficient bandwidth to handle
the video signals from the flying-spot scanner system.
The graphs in Figure 11 show how the optics and
CRT spot affect the system bandwidth in both cases.
The bandpass of the coherent optical correlator is flat
out to a spatial frequency that is related directly to
the f-number of the lens and the wavelength A of the
light used. This cutoff spatial frequency is 1/2 Af, or
280 line-pairs-per-millimeter for a f/2.8 lens and
0.6328 10-3 mm laser light. The bandwidth of the
flying-spot scanner system is related directly to the
size of the CRT spot, the minification of the transfer
lens system, and the modulation transfer function of
the transfer lens. The transfer function of a diffrac-
tion-limited f/2.8 lens is illustrated in the graph along
with the effective bandpass of the CRT spot. The
CRT spot is assumed to have a Gaussian shape with
an effective diameter of 50 microns, defined as the
distance between the half-amplitude points. The
transfer lens is assumed to be working at a minifica-
tion of 20. The curve labeled as the product of the
lens and spot transfer functions is the bandpass of the
electronic correlator. A comparison of the two band-
Table | Correlator Performance Factors
Optical Electronic
Bandwidth Bo-1;|v| $ 4A) BE = EXP [v2 2 (WM)?
Bo =0;|v|> CAD
Internal Noise None 1. CRT phosphor
grain noise
2. CRT phosphor
wear noise
3. PMT shot noise
1. PMT shot noise
2. Correlator noise
External Noise Correlator noise
Light Source Power Laser-unlimited Phosphor-limited
N Coherent Light
0.9 £— s Lens Bandpass
08 A (Amplitude)
.8 fo \
0.7 = A Gaussian CRT Spot
À L—— Transfer Function
0.6 + X
05 +— à Lens Modulation Transfer Function
; X — (Intensity)
0.4 +
03 = p : Ty One-Channel
3 EE A Flying Spot Scanner
: x Response
m >
0m NS
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Spatial Frequency — Line Pairs per Millimeter 1
Figure 11 Optical and Electronic System
Bandwidth Comparison
widths indicates that, for a given lens, the bandpass of
the optical system surpasses that of the flying-spot
scanner. If the spot could be made infinitely small,
the scanner bandwidth would be limited by the lens
modulation transfer function.
Since the two correlators can be treated as measur-
ing systems, their ultimate accuracy is a function of
system noise. The sources of noise can be categorized
into three groups: physical, electronic, and correlator,
ignoring the photographic grain noise since it is a part
of the input that cannot be controlled. The flying-
spot scanner correlator has all three sources of noise.
The CRT phosphor grain and, after a time, the wear
pattern in the phosphor are the physical sources of
noise. As the scanning spot moves over the phosphor,
its intensity fluctuates in proportion to the size of the
grain in the path of the scanning electron beam. The
rms fluctuation of the intensity can be as high as 30%
in some CRT tubes. In fine-grain micro-spot CRT
tubes, the rms intensity fluctuation is around 10%.
Since this noise has a high-frequency spectrum, it can
usually be filtered out in the video amplifier without
degrading the performance of the correlator. In sys-
tems designed to work in the megacycle range, how-
ever, phosphor noise is the predominant noise in the
The next source of noise that affects both the
optical and the electronic systems is the shot noise
generated by the light signal in the phototubes. The
shot noise in the electronic correlator is greater than
that in the optical correlator because it. is a function
of the total light hitting the phototubes. In each scan-
ner, the light hitting the tubes is composed of a signal
and dc component due to the average image transmit-
tance. The dc component is usually large and, there-
fore, causes a proportionally large shot noise, reduc-
ing the signal-to-noise performance of the scanner. In
the optical correlator, the light detected by the
phototube is all signal, therefore, the shot noise is
only a function of the signal strength.