Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

photograph. This filter contains frequency and phase 
of the imagery in x as a function of its y position. 
After the filter is made, it is repositioned in the 
Fourier transform plane and the second stereo photo- 
graph placed in the input, the situation depicted in 
Figure 5. A scanning slit a few hundred microns wide 
is placed in front of the second stereo photograph to 
select a y strip of the photograph. For any position of 
the slit within the overlapping imagery, the correlator 
output displays the x parallax as a function of y 
photocoordinate as shown in equation (12). 
Representative experimental results obtained with 
the mechanical model are shown in Figure 8. The 
straight horizontal line is generated by the reference 
beam and serves as a convenient datum line. The 
vertical dark strip in the center of the figures is 
caused by lack of contrast over most of the meter 
stick. The dark shadows at either side of the hemi- 
sphere result from bad imagery due to the 90-degree 
slope. All three curves in Figure 8 were obtained from 
a teesanqu 
Figure 6 Experimental One-Dimensional Coherent 
Optical Image/Matched-Filter Correlator 
the same filter. SUMI 
Results obtained using 1:140,000 scale aerial 
photography, Figure 9, are shown in Figure 10. The T 
two plots of Figure 10 were made from two different | abov 
filters. of t 
The results shown in Figure 10 are considered disp! 
significant since they were obtained directly from phot 
70-mm aerial diapositive plates. It is worth noting | latio 
that the clearing of y parallax is checked by making a | gooc 
slight movement in y of either the filter or the photo- extr 
graph and observing that the correlator output | syste 
disappears simultaneously in all image channels. | and 
The profiles in Figures 8 and 10 are the direct subj: 
output of the correlator and hence appear in photo- | does 
coordinates; additional processing is required to ob- | tion. 
tain model coordinate information. | COIT: 
Figure 7 Three-Dimensional Model e - tech 
Figure 8 Instant Profiles—Laboratory Photography | 

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