Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

Daniel C. Kowalski 
Bendix Research Laboratories 
Southfield, Michigan 
Senior Engineer, Image Data 
Systems Department. B.S. 
(Physics), 1952, Wayne State 
University. Recently participat- 
ed in an investigation of coher- 
ent optical techniques for photo- 
graphic point-transfer opera- 
tions. Responsible for experi- 
mental evaluation of optical 
correlator configurations, including the instrumentation 
used for quantitative measurements of correlator per- 
formance; analysis of problems of photographic density 
and contrast modulation; investigation of techniques for 
deriving electronic error signals from optical correlators 
for detecting image misalignment and image distortion. 
Previously participated in development of automated 
analytical stereoplotter; studied optical spatial filtering 
as applied to photo interpretation and image analysis 
and basic mathematical concepts involved in correlation; 
did preliminary designs of a statistical stability monitor 
and a general-purpose correlation computer. 
Frank R. Whitehead 
Stanley J. Krulikoski, Jr. 
Bendix Research Laboratories 
Southfield, Michigan 
Senior Staff Engineer, Informa- 
tion Sciences Laboratory. B.S. 
(Physics), 1942, Trinity College. 
Currently investigating the appli- 
cation of coherent optical de- 
vices and techniques to photo- 
intelligence and mapping opera- 
adi tions, including designing experi- 
ments to test and demonstrate 
the feasibility of potentially useful techniques and the 
preparation of preliminary designs of image data process- 
ing systems which use coherent optical techniques. Re- 
cently directed an investigation of techniques for optical 
point transfer, entailing matching of conjugate imagery 
on aerial stereo photographs, using coherent optical cor- 
relation with spatial filtering, as well as Fourier trans- 
form holograms and Fresnel holograms; also investigated 
optical methods for correcting optical image distortion. 
Previous assignments have included directing a Bendix- 
sponsored program in optical range correlation guidance 
and other applications of electro-optical devices and a 
study of the problems of hypersonic intercept; design 
and development of various guidance systems. 
Bendix Research Laboratories 
Southfield, Michigan 
Assistant Physicist, Image Data 
Systems Department. B.S. 
(Physics), 1966, Hamline Univer- 
sity. Has contributed to develop- 
ment of coherent optical tech- 
niques for high-precision mea- 
surements on aerial photog- 
raphy. Participated in experi- 
mental evaluation of optical 
correlators, including work on image distortion correc- 
tion by means of conventional and holographic tech- 

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