Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

30. Tests conducted on this Digital Automatic Map Compilation 
System have produced orthophotos and contours of sufficient quality 
to prove the technical feasibility of automatic mapping by digital 
techniques. The state-of-the-art is such that by redesign and 
refinements, the precision, resolution and compilation speed of 
this system can be considerably improved and should eventually be 
competitive with other techniques. Development efforts in this 
direction are planned. 
31. Having summarized the efforts to date in automatic map 
compilation, a more thorough treatment will be given of the three 
systems which are in or are approaching productive use. These 
three systems are the B-8 Stereomat Automated Plotter, the AS11B/C 
Analytical Plotter, and the Universal Automatic Map Compilation 
Equipment (UNAMACE). These are the systems in which the greatest 
Progress has been made in the last several years in design and 
in testing. Because of the difference in developmental and 
operational status of each of these equipments, it is not possible 
nor desirable to treat each with the same emphasis. For instance, 
the theory of operation of the UNAMACE and the Stereomat B-8 has 
been adequately covered in the literature but little has been 
written concerning the AS11B/C. Therefore the theory of operation 
of the AS11B/C is covered in more detail. Likewise because the 
Stereomat and UNAMACE have been available in prototype form for 
a longer period of time, more test data are available than for 
the AS11B/C. Therefore testing of the Stereomat and UNAMACE is 
given greater coverage. It should also be mentioned that both 
the AS11B/C and the UNAMACE are military developments, whereas 
the Stereomat B-8 is produced commercially as a joint endeavor 
of the Raytheon Company, Alexandria, Virginia, and Wild Heerbrugg, 
Limited, Switzerland. 
32. I should like to state at this point that the paper 
is a cooperative effort and to acknowledge that specific portions 
were prepared by others. I wish to recognize and publicly thank 
the following for their contributions: 
Mr. Donald Coulthart, Army Map Service, Washington, D. C. 
with contributions from Mr. Charles S. Spooner, Jr., and 
Mr. Robert De Graaf, Autometric Operation, Raytheon Co., 
Alexandria, Virginia, for the section on the Stereomat. 
Messrs. W, E, Chapelle and J, J. Edmond of the Bendix 
Corporation, Research Laboratories Division, Southfield, 
Michigan, with assistance from Messrs. A, E, Whiteside, 
V, C. Kamm, also of Bendix Corporation; Messrs. Jack Harris 
and R. Pankey of the U, S, Air Force (USAF) Aeronautical 
Chart and Information Center (ACIC), St. Louis, Missouri; 
Messrs. F. Scarano and A. Lanckton of Rome Air Development 
Center (RADC), Griffiss Air Force Base, New York for the 
section on the AS11B/C Analytical Plotter. 

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