Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

Hallert, B. et al: Quality Problems in Photogrammetry. International Society 
of Photogrammetry. Stockholm 1967. 
Schlaifer, R.: Introduction to Statistics for Business Decisions. New York 
Torlegärd, K.: On the Determination of Interior Orientation of Closeup 
Cameras under Operational Conditions using Three-Dimensional test 
Objects. Thesis. Stockholm 1967. (Especially Chapter 9.) 
Wald, A.: Statistical Decision Functions. New York 1950. 
Wald, A.: Sequential Analysis. New York 1947. 
Wasserman, P.: Decision-Making. An Annotated Bibliography. Supplement 
1958—1963. Ithaca, New York 1964. 

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