Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

62. Theory of Operation: A knowledge of the fundamental 
operations and requirements of the UNAMACE are essential to 
an understanding of the theory of operation. 
First, the UNAMACE uses precomputed mathematical data 
and allied parameter data for each photograph to relate the 
coordinates of image points in a photo coordinate system, 
defined by fiducials located on a diapositive glass plate, 
to the coordinates of these image points located in a map 
coordinate system as represented by the machine coordinate 
system of the UNAMACE orthophoto and contour printers. This 
predetermined input data includes the six classical elements 
of orientation defining position and attitude (X, Y, Z, y , 
w,4 ), film distortions, lens distortions, earth curvature, 
scale, focal length, model compilation limits, etc. 
Second, the UNAMACE uses predetermined computer programs 
to establish all procedures, logic and sequence of all opera- 
Third, the UNAMACE uses a precisely referenced scanning 
system, completely under the control of the computer program, 
to scan in the vicinity of conjugate (identical) image points 
appearing on two stereo diapositives and determines the 
magnitude of the displacement (x and y parallax) of these two 
images from the reference center of the scanning systems. 
Fourth, the UNAMACE uses special programs that are manually 
or automatically initiated to modify the predetermined computer 
programs in areas of special interest such as "adverse areas", 
water covered areas, snow covered areas, image occluded areas, 
severe dark or washed out areas, cliff areas, and manual inter- 
vention, etc. 
The basic theory of the UNAMACE operation is very simple 
and straightforward. The input to the UNAMACE is a stereo 
pair of overlapping aerial photographs containing a distorted 
perspective view of the earth, the amount and characteristics 
of the distortion being dependent upon the type of photography, 
whether cartographic or reconnaissance,frame or panoramic. 
The UNAMACE, given the orientation and distortion parameters, 
is capable of computing elevation data and correcting image 
distortion. One of the UNAMACE outputs is an orthophoto. 
This reprint is accomplished by printing and mosaicking a 
series of 0.01 x 0.02 inch rectangular areas, one after another 
profile fashion, until the desired picture area defined by 
predetermined compilation limits is complete. During this 
process the elevation of each elemental area is recorded in a 
computer core memory and used to determine the density modulation 
of the contour interval of the drop line output, in white, 
gray or black. After every two profiles, the elevation data 
are stored on magnetic tape for future use. Under a pre- 
programmed operation, the UNAMACE prints a grid system on the 
outputs representing the map coordinate system. 

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