Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

h. The operator now presses the "manual intervention key" 
and manually places the floating reference mark on the ground, 
It is only necessary that this be accurate enough for the conjugate 
images to be within the "pull in" range of the electronic correlators. 
The operator then presses the "GO" key to commence automatic 
compilation. Should difficulties occur during compilation that 
were not anticipated by the "ADV-AR" routine, the system will 
automatically stop and call for manual intervention. 
66. Manpower Support Requirements: The UNAMACE requires 
the full-time services of an operator for each work day shift 
and the part-time services of a skilled electronic technician 
as a basic operating crew. The experienced electronic technician's 
services are required approximately four hours per week for 
routine checking and adjusting critical elements of the system, 
and approximately sixteen hours per month for general equipment 
As a minimum, the operator should be a High School Graduate 
and have a working knowledge of the basic photogrammetric terms, 
mathematics and principles of electronics. He should have had 
some map reading and manual stereo-compilation experience and 
have an aptitude for understanding fairly complex inter-related 
electro-mechanical equipment. With this background, an operator 
will require two months on-the- job apprentice training with an 
experienced UNAMACE operator, and six additional months on-the- 
job supervised experience to qualify as a fully experienced 
Âs a minimum, the electronic technician should have three 
years experience in the trouble shooting of solid state electronic 
circuits, photo-electric and video circuits and power supplies. 
He should also have a thorough working knowledge of various 
electronic logic symbols and the equivalent electronic circuits. 
Familiarity and experience with digital computers and digital 
computer control systems are highly desired to facilitate 
subsequent on-the-job training. With such a background, an 
electronic technician will require one month classroom training 
on the UNAMACE system and its components, and eight months on-the- 
job apprentice training with an experienced UNAMACE technician. 
Approximately two man-hours per model of indirect manpower 
support are required to supply the input data tapes for the 
UNAMACE and processing of the film outputs. The former includes 
computation of model compilation limits, UTM grid coordinates, 
etc., and preparation and verification of the data on input tapes 
before UNAMACE compilation can begin. 
67. Test Results: The UNAMACE has been subjected to many 
tests by USAETL. Some of the more significant ones are described 
in the following paragraphs. 
a. In order to determine the sensitivity of the 
instrument in its contouring function, a simulation test was 
performed in which duplicate diapositives were oriented in each 
plateholder. The flight height was simulated at 3,000 meters 

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