Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

product which can be compiled in a minimum of time. The benefits 
are in the elimination of the time consuming handling of inter- 
mediate products with accompanying error possibilities, and in the 
significant savings in resolution that would be deteriorated in 
recopying operations. A table 24 x 30 inches in size is already 
under development for the UNAMACE for further research and exploitation 
of this product. 
78. All three systems discussed in detail have the capability of 
producing three dimensional coordinate data in digital form. Computer 
programs are now under development for developing contour plots 
from the digital data. This procedure is expected to overcome the 
present limitations of line drop contours wherein the resolution 
of the output contours is not compatible with the indicated "C" 
factor in areas of moderate to high relief. Further exploitation 
of digital data and eventually of numerical maps can be expected 
for solving problems of intervisibility, making conventional civil 
engineering calculations, military applications, and many other 
uses which at present cannot be surmised. 
79. Based on this review, it can be expected that in the 
next three to five years automatic compilation equipment will be 
employed on mapping projects with increasing frequency as expected 
economies are demonstrated. As experience is gained in operating 
this equipment and refinements made in equipment components and 
computer programs, accuracies will improve, speed will increase, 
manual intervention will decrease and the quality of the output 
products will improve. The military will be a prime user of automated 
equipment because quick response can be obtained to critical mapping 
80. Automation in photogrammetry is making and will continue 
to make its impact on the mapping community. 

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