Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

The Universal Automatic Map Compi- 
lation Equipment (UNAMACE), developed 
by The Bunker-Ramo Corporation for the 
U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Labora- 
tory, was described in a preliminary paper 
presented at the Tenth International Con- 
gress, International Society for Photogram- 
metry, Lisbon, Portugal, in 1964l. In the 
intervening period, four of the equipments 
have been completed and are being used 
by the U.S. Army; these have amply demon- 
strated the validity of the design concepts. 
The success of the UNAMACE led to the 
development of a second instrument, the 
Automatic Photomapper. This unit, also 
for the U.S. Army Engineer Topographic 
Laboratory, is a small, ruggedized version 
of the UNAMACE. It is designed so that 
it can be moved to a theater of operations 
and set up for use. 
This paper describes the principal fea- 
tures of the two equipments. 
The complete operational configuration 
of the UNAMACE is shown in Figure 1. 
It consists of four precision tables (left 
background), the computer complex includ- 
ing a BR-133 computer with paper and 
magnetic tape input/output units (left fore- 
ground), the operator's console (center), 
and an electronics rack (right). 

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