Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 6)

The results of tests on the UNAMACE 
have been reported in Photogrammetric 
Engineering? They are summarized below: 
l. Operating as monocular comparators, 
none of the eight tables of the first 
equipments was more than 1.6 mi- 
crometers outside the 4-micrometer 
specification when first measured. 
Linear scaling corrections are applied 
in the computer calculations to bring 
all tables within the desired tolerance. 
2. Operating with a fictitious model (but 
real photography) to minimize the 
effects of errors from other sources, 
the first two UNAMACESs had reported 
C-factors of 4400 and 4800. 
3. Operating with a real model, the two 
equipments had reported C-factors of 
1470 and 1500. 
FIGURE 8—Orthophoto and Altitude Charts Prepared by UNAMACE 
The models reported above were obtained 
using 6-inch focal length, 0.6 base-height 
ratio photography. 
Figure 8 shows an orthophoto and 
altitude chart produced by the equipment. 
They were prepared at an original scale 
of 25,000:1, twice the nominal photographic 
scale, from 27,000-foot photography. The 
altitude chart shows 20-foot contour inter- 
vals (the region between adjacent contour 
lines) as bands of a given gray level, with 
the trinary sequence white, gray, black, 
white representing contour intervals of in- 
creasing value. The boundaries between 
regions of different gray level are cur- 
rently traced in a subsequent manual oper- 
ation to obtain the contour lines. The 
outputs show the results of approximately 
200,000 measurements and an equal number 
of elemental image transfers to prepare the 
(Altitude of Photography, 27,000 feet; Scale as Output, 25,000:1; Contour Interval,20 feet) 

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