Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

the case in many towns and communities of this country, maps in the 
scale 1:400 were prepared in sheets suitable for town planning and 
cadastral work. The object was mainly to give an account of the boun- 
daries of the real estates and the position of buildings. Other details 
important for the real estate work, such as roads, fences and hedges, 
were also often shown on these maps. 
The planimetric details were surveyed with the help of geodetic 
measuring. Normally, no height determination was carried out. Thus the 
maps are very incomplete and do not meet the requirements of large 
scale maps. 
On account of the houses and the supply mains that already exist being 
so spread out, it is of invaluable importance to the Building Office to 
have at its disposal maps giving the exact location of the water and 
sewer pipe system. 
Large scale maps showing the location of the networks are also urgent- 
ly required for the Electricity Works and for the Telegraph Service. At 
present these networks and other constructions are plotted on maps 
which have been made through the combination of cadastral maps and 
other available maps, usually in the scale 1: 400. 
The City Engineers Office needs large scale maps for various purposes. 
They will form the basis for the preparing of e. g. maps for cadastral 
purposes, maps for the building of new houses, as well as base maps for 
town planning. Besides, the maps serve as a basis for the making of maps 
ordered by other communal organs, exploiters, or private estate owners. 
Large scale maps showing the exact topography of the ground are, 
of course, of great value for the design of houses, streets, roads, supply 
mains, tunnels and other constructions. 
Thus the first part of the programme clearly showed that the need 
within the community for large scale maps was so great that it certainly 
warranted the relatively big cost of such a project. The mapping began in 
1967 with an area of about 8C0 hectares to start with. All in all, about 
3,000 hectares will be mapped. This area mainly includes the parts of 
the community that are already built up and certain areas close to these. 
Technical Procedure 
The latter part of the mapping programme included a detailed account 
of the technical procedure. During the course of the programme such 

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