way's. However, recent technological developments have made
it possible to complete this extensive programme in a rela-
tively short time.
When a province has decided to prepare an Economic map,
a Map Committee is appointed to supervise the work. Usually,
this committee includes the heads of the various authorities,
the Highways Officer, the Agricultural Officer, the Chief
Land Re-Allotment Judge and the province Engineer, but in
certain cases Map Committees may be composed of politicians
plus one or two specialist members.
The Map Committee, in consultation with The Norwegian
Geograchic Survey of Norway (N.G.O.), draws up an Invita-
tion to Tender which is sent to such private photogramme-
trical firms as may be interested.
The Map Committee may invite tenders for the whole
province or for parts of it. When it has been decided which
firm is to do the work, the final contract is prepared on the
basis of prior negotiation.
The contract stipulates the services to be provided by the
Government represented by
] NGO.
2. The Re-Allotment Authority
3. The Department of Agriculture Developement.
Each individual Map Committee in consultation with the
government offices, decides which areas are to be mapped in
a given year.
The Invitation to Tender generally specifies which areas
are to be mapped on a scale of 1 : 5 000 with contour intervals
of 5 m, and which are to be 1:10 000 with contour inter-
vals of 10 m.
‘The period of contract is generally 10—15 years, with
annual stages of 500—700 km?2.
Normally, delivery time is 114 years after the Government
offices have supplied their material.
Vertical photography.
The mapping firm prepares a flight plan which is sent to
N.G.O. for approval.
Two sets of vertical photographs are taken: