Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

a) Conventional system 
As à perhaps extreme, but probably still realistic example, it is assumed that 
it has been decided to use multi-purpose photography at a scale 1:40.000, 
Cost in US § Man Hours Instr. hours 
Aerial photography 1:40,000 
(+ 4000 photographs) $ 120,000 - - 
; lani t ; 
Ground control ° animotry Dependent on type of terrain, etc. 
Aerial triangulation + Adjustment $ 100,000 10,000 4000 h 
Restitution at photogrammetric 
plotters $ 200,000 50.000 50000 h 
Field completion Dependent -on vegetation, etc. - 
Cartographic work $ 200.000 15.000 m e % 
b) Proposed system (PHASE A 
Aerial photography $ 40.000 _ - 
1:100.000 (+ 600 photogr.) 
Astro stations (+8) Dependent on meteorological and topographical 
conditions, etc. 
Ànalytical radial triangulation 3 6.000 900 300 h 
+ adjustment 
(+ 6000 line km) $ 24.000 - = 
Crthophotos + dropline charts $ 14.000 1. 500 1500 h 
(autom.equipm. ) 
Although the above cost and time estimates are necessarily rough and serve only as 
a guide, it is quite obvious that the proposed system will yield provisional maps 
which can satisfy many urgent requirements at about 10-15% of the cost of the 
conventional systeme 
The time schedule, however, is probably even more important, and in this respect 
the proposed system is still more favourable as it only involves a very small ) o 
number of man and instrument hours. 
With the presently available experience, it is difficult to give a cost and time 
estimate for the work involved in phase B of the proposed system, It is therefore 
not feasible to compare the costs of line maps produced by conventional methods 
with the costs of annotated photo maps or line maps produced in phase B of the 
described system, but there are strong indications that the total cost of the 
system of topo mapping in phases (inoluding the various refinements) will 
certainly not exceed the cost of conventional map production, This can be seen 
from the fact that since the total cost of the interpretation photography 
(1:40.000), the field completion and the cartographic phase is roughly identical 
in both systems, the total cost of aerial triangulation and restitution in the 
conventional system has to be compared with the total cost of the initial 
1:100.000 photography, the radial triangulation, the orthophotographs and the 
subsequent contouring in the proposed system. 

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