Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

It is, of course, also possible to use varying photo scales for this 
purpose in different areas according to local circumstances. 
3) The proposed procedure does not depend on the existence of a primary 
geodetic control network. 
The programme for the establishment of geodetic control can be executed 
parallel to the mapping programme, and its result can be incorporated in 
the latter at any later stage, without involving any significant repetition 
of work, or rendering much of the work done previously obsolete. 
4) Most important is the possibility offered by the proposed system for a 
completely elastic planning of priorities in the production of different 
map sheets according to requirements arising at any time during the total 
project period, and the possibility to meet such requirements at the e e 
shortest possible notice to just that standard of quality as seems fit for 
the purpose at hand. 
5) As far as phase B of the system is concerned, the necessity for large 
capital investments in equipment is reduced to & minimum. 
It is a regrettable but very often true fact that map making does not have 
the necessary attention of those governmental circles which are responsible 
for the official investment policies. 
Therefore, a mapping procedure based mainly on human resources will have a 
greater chance of being executed in due time than a system requiring a large 
number of expensive instruments. 
6) A final important advantage of the system is that it offers the possibility 
for a far reading distribution of work. It thereby guarantess a maximum use 
of the available human resources and knowledge. The map production can be 
organized like an industrial process, where each participating technician e & 
will only require a small portion of the total skills involved. On the other 
hand, the system will still lead to a more consistent result of better 
Only the "interpreters" will require a detailed knowledge of topography. 
Their share in the total work, however, is small. The bulk of the work will 
be carried out by cartographic draftsmen, who do not have to take any 
decisions. Their training in large numbers is relatively easy and no broad 
educational background is required for this job. ) 
6. Additional remarks 
a) The use of photomaps as map substitutes 
In the author's opinion, a photomap, especially at small scales, is not to 
be preferred to a topographic line map. 

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