Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 9)

rie * The resulting resources maps are compatible with the future topographic 
Ma Do 
* The results of the resources surveys might even be used to a large extent 
for the preparation of this topographic map. 
* The large scale photography flown for the purpose of resources surveys can 
be used for the remaining part of topographic photo-interpretation. 
This paper is only an attempt to contribute to the development of more 
efficient methods for the production of topographic maps in developing 
e e countries. 
The author will be grateful for any comment that might help to improve his 
insight into the problem and lead to more thoroughly worked out proposals, 
which also meet environmental circumstances not considered in this paper. 
VEY Acknowledgements 
JGRAPRIC The author is indebted to the staff of the ITC, and in particular to 
PING Prof. W. Schermerhorn, Prof. A.J. van der Weele and Mr. L., van Zuylen for their 
assistance with the preparation of this paper, and to Mr. J. Kure and Mr, D.A. Tait 
for their help in editing this paper. 
o o Army Map Service (U.S.4.) - Map Substitute Products 1964 
age JeWe Pumpelly - Cartographic Treatments in the Production 
of Photomaps - Surveying and Mapping 24, 
p. 561-511 (1964 U.S.A.) 
ed by 
Prof. R. Roelofs - The future of radial triangulation. 
Photogrammetria 1956, p. 324. 
the , 
R. Schweissthal - (Grundlagen, Bearbeitung und Herstellung 
grossmasstäbiger Luftbildkarten. 
Publ. 34 of University of Hannover. 

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